lump gold - translation to ρωσικά
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lump gold - translation to ρωσικά

Lump-sum; Lump Sum

lump gold      
золото в самородках
  • California poppy]]
  • Metallic]] by nature.
  • [[Monarch butterfly]] on [[goldenrod]] flower
  • The Queen's bedchamber in the [[Versailles Palace]].
Gold (colour); Golden (color); Golden poppy (color); Gold color; Colour gold; Goldtones; Goldtone; Golden brown (colour); Golden-brown; Goldenbrown; Golden browns; Golden-browns; Goldenbrowns; Golden yellow; Gold-yellow; Gold tone; Vegas Gold; Cal Poly Pomona gold; CPP gold; Cal Poly gold; UCLA Gold; Sunglow; Golden brown (color); Golden brown color; Golden brown colour; California Gold (color); MU Gold (color); MU Gold; Gold colour; Metallic gold; Gold (metallic); Gold (metallic gold); Golden (colour); Satin sheen gold; FFD700; Antique gold; Metallic yellow



общая лексика

яркий свет солнца

солнечное сияние

gold brick         
  • Gold prices (US$ per troy ounce), in nominal US$ and inflation adjusted US$ from 1914 onward
  • The world's largest gold bar at the [[Toi Gold Museum]].
  • A minted bar (left) and a cast bar (right)
Gold bullion; Gold Bar; Gold brick; Gold bricks; Gold ingot; Gold bars
[амер.] - обман, надувательство; симулянт, лодырь, нерадивый солдат



Майкл (псевдоним; настоящее имя и фамилия Ирвинг Гранич, Granich) (12.4.1894, Ист-Сайд, Нью-Йорк, - 15.5.1967, Сан-Франциско), американский писатель, публицист, критик. Род. в эмигрантской еврейской семье. С 1914 участник социалистического, с 1919 - коммунистического движения в США. Был сотрудником, затем редактором журнала "Нью массес" - "New Masses" (см. "Мейнстрим"). В программной статье "Навстречу пролетарской литературе" (1921) формулирует задачи нового революционного искусства. Тема сборника рассказов и стихов "120 миллионов" (1929, рус. пер. 1930) - пробуждение классового сознания людей труда. Автобиографический роман "Евреи без денег" (1930; в русском переводе - "Еврейская беднота", 1931) рисует жизнь бедняков Ист-Сайда. Г. - автор сборника статей "Изменим мир!" (1936), исторической драмы "Боевой гимн" (1936, совместно с М. Блэнкфортом; в рус. переводе - "Джон Броун", 1937), воспевающей борца за освобождение негров. В сборнике статей "Полые люди" (1941) Г. осуждал ренегатов прогрессивного движения и декадентов. В 1952 опубликовал цикл стихов "Весна в Бронксе".

Соч.: The Mike Gold reader, N. Y., 1954; в рус. пер.: Проклятый агитатор, М., 1925.

Лит.: Кармон У., Майкл Голд и "Нью-Мэссес" 1911-1916-1941, "Интернациональная литература", 1941, №5; Lawson J. Н., The stature of Michael Gold, "Political Affairs", 1967, June, № 6, p. 10-14.

Б. А. Гиленсон.


Lump sum

A lump sum is a single payment of money, as opposed to a series of payments made over time (such as an annuity).

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development distinguishes between "price analysis" and "cost analysis" by whether the decision maker compares lump sum amounts, or subjects contract prices to an itemized cost breakdown.

In 1911, American union leaders including Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor expressed opposition to lump sums being awarded to their members pursuant to a new workers compensation law, saying that when they received lump sums rather than periodic payments the risk of them squandering the money was greater.

The Financial Times reported in July 2011 that research by Prudential had found that 79% of polled pensioners in the UK collecting a company or private pension that year took a tax-free lump sum as part of their retirement benefits, as compared to 76% in 2008. Prudential was of the view that for many retirees, a lump sum at the time of retirement was the most tax efficient option. However, Prudential's head of business development, Vince Smith Hughes, said, "some pensioners are beginning to regret the way they used the tax-free cash. The days of buying a shiny new car or going on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday may be gone."

Μετάφραση του &#39lump gold&#39 σε Ρωσικά